Is Water Rafting Scary?

Written by Jerry Jacoby in Rafting Last Updated December 26, 2022 No, water rafting is not scary. It can be exciting and thrilling, but it is not scary. If you are afraid of heights or falling, then you may not enjoy water rafting as much as someone who is not afraid of those things. Is water rafting scary? Well, it all…

Written by Jerry Jacoby in Rafting Last Updated December 26, 2022

No, water rafting is not scary. It can be exciting and thrilling, but it is not scary. If you are afraid of heights or falling, then you may not enjoy water rafting as much as someone who is not afraid of those things.

Is water rafting scary? Well, it all depends on your comfort level with being in the water and on your ability to swim. If you’re not a strong swimmer, then you might want to reconsider going on a whitewater rafting trip.

Is White Water Rafting Dangerous

White water rafting can be an incredibly exhilarating experience. It can also be quite dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Here are some things to consider before heading out on your next white water adventure:

  • The type of river you’ll be rafting. Some rivers are much more challenging than others, so it’s important to choose one that’s appropriate for your skill level.
  • The size of the group you’ll be rafting with. A larger group can provide more support and stability in the event of a problem.
  • The experience level of your guide. Make sure you choose someone who knows the river well and is experienced in white water rafting.

White Water Rafting Deaths 2022

In the United States, there were an estimated 35 whitewater rafting deaths in 2022. This number is down from the 52 reported deaths in 2017 and is the lowest number of fatalities since 2014, when 35 people died while whitewater rafting. Most fatalities occur on rivers with Class III and IV rapids, which are considered more challenging than Class I and II rapids.


However, even experienced rafters can get into trouble on easier stretches of river if they don’t follow safety guidelines or if they underestimate the power of the water. There are a few steps you can take to stay safe while whitewater rafting:

  • Wear a properly fitting life jacket at all times
  • Don’t drink alcohol before or during your trip
  • Pay attention to your guides and follow their instructions
  • Stay seated in the boat and hold on to the hand lines
  • Don’t stand up or try to exit the boat unless instructed by your guide
  • If you do fall out of the boat, float feet first downstream with your legs together and arms crossed over your chest until you can grab onto something or are pulled back into the boat.

Following these simple tips can help you have a fun and safe experience while whitewater rafting.

White Water Rafting Deaths Per Year

According to the National Outdoor Leadership School, approximately 12 people die each year while white water rafting. Most of these deaths are due to drowning, and can occur for a variety of reasons. First and foremost among these is cold water immersion, which can lead to hypothermia even in relatively warm weather.

Other causes include being thrown from the raft or hitting one’s head on rocks. There are steps that rafters can take to reduce their risk of death while white water rafting.

Is Water Rafting Scary?


How Do I Stop Being Scared of White Water Rafting?

There’s nothing quite like the rush of adrenaline you feel when paddling downstream in a white water raft. But for some, that feeling is quickly replaced by fear. Some things you can do to ease your fears if you get scared easily when rafting.

  • Identify the causes that feeling of fear. In many cases, it’s simply a matter of not knowing what to expect. The unknown can be scary, but once you know what to expect, much of that fear will dissipate.
  • Before heading out on your next rafting trip, do some research and learn as much as you can about the river you’ll be paddling on. What kind of rapids will you encounter? What is the average water level?
  • Don’t try to tackle Class 5 rapids on your first outing!

Remember that white water rafting is supposed to be fun! Don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you ruin the experience entirely.

Is Beginner White Water Rafting Dangerous?

No, beginner white water rafting is not dangerous. While there are some risks associated with any outdoor activity, the experienced staff at most professional rafting companies will do everything they can to minimize those risks and keep you safe.

Can You Fall Out While White Water Rafting?

Yes, you can fall out while white water rafting. Depending on the river and the rapids, falling out can be dangerous. If you are not wearing a life jacket, you could drown.

Even if you are wearing a life jacket, you could be injured if you hit your head on a rock or something else in the water.

Is River Rafting Hard?

River rafting can be as easy or as difficult as you make it. The level of difficulty will depend on the river you are rafting, the type of raft you are using, and your own personal skill level. If you are a beginner, it is best to start with an easy river and a simple raft.

As you become more experienced, you can tackle more difficult rivers and use more advancedrafts.

Scary whitewater rafting

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